Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catholic & Orthodox Debate on the Papacy

Having read through this debate I am somewhat surprised that it is housed on a "Catholic" site since the debate was clearly won by the Orthodox debater. 


Is the modern role of the papacy a legitimate development from the Early Church?
Scott Windsor and Chris (aka "orthodox") debate the role of the papacy in the modern Church. Is the modern role of the papacy legitimate or a novel invention of the Catholic Church? Read the debate and you decide!


In the affirmative is Catholic Apologist, Scott Windsor supporting the modern role of the papacy.
In the negative is Eastern Orthodox Chris aka: "orthodox", denying the modern role of the papacy.

Opening Statement - Scott
Rebuttal 1 - Scott
Rebuttal 2 - Scott
Rebuttal 3 - Scott

Opening Statement - Chris
Rebuttal 1 - Chris
Rebuttal 2 - Chris
Rebuttal 3 - Chris


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